Bounce: Rock Your Comebacks (1)
Everyone has setbacks. In the middle of life's ups and downs, we can find ourselves at some critically low points that are much harder to find our way out of than expected. But we are able to increase our odds of fully coming back from those setbacks by acquiring a few key characteristics that can help us turn bad situations around every time and benefit from the hard lessons. Bouncing back from hard times is a skill that can be learned and cultivated and, through a selection of personal life experiences, inspirational tips for bouncing back successfully, and Scripture references that lead you to God's promises regarding your situation, the author guides you through how to experience the ultimate comeback. With your acquired skill set and personal ambition combined with faithful reliance on God and His consistent promises, you can rebound from any setback life can deliver. You can come back more faithful and stronger than ever. bOuNcE will help you do that every. single. time.