Cases and Materials on Business Entities [Connected eBook with Study Center] (Aspen Casebook) (Aspen Casebook Series)
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Cases and Materials on Business Entities is a concise, modern, student-friendly treatment of business organizations, including LLCs, partnerships, and agency
Intended for the basic course in Business Organizations, Cases and Materials on Business Entities encompasses corporations, agency, partnership, and LLCs. Its extended coverage of alterative business entities distinguishes it from the more limited corporations-focused coverage of many business organizations texts. The author includes over 40 detailed problems designed to help the students become practice-ready. The book provides more than 25 drafting exercises, each based on the actual language at issue in a principal case. All the principal cases were decided within the last 20 years. The recipient of numerous teaching awards, author Eric Chiappinelli has taught, written, and practiced extensively in business entities and corporate law.
New to the Fifth Edition: Ten new cases, including In re The Boeing Co. (Sept. 2021) and United Food & Comm’l Workers Union v. Zuckerberg (Facebook) (Sept. 2021). Fiduciary Duty chapters thoroughly revised to reflect current principles. LLC chapter heavily updated.
Professors and students will benefit from: Up-to-date: Principal cases are less than 20 years old, and cases from the Fourth Edition that are now more than 20 years old have been replaced. Comprehensive, succinct coverage: Based on the results of a survey of business entities professors, the full coverage encompasses corporations, LLCs, partnerships, and agency in a briefer than average text. Accessible approach: Student-friendly writing style and format makes information accessible through multiple analytical approaches, with a real-world, practical approach in examples, notes, and problems. Pedagogical approach favoring instructional flexibility: “Current Setting” sections; “Background and Context” sections; innovative note structure including “Reality Check,” “Suppose,” and “What Do You Think?” sections; Nearly 80 assessment options through two innovations: more than 25 “You Draft It” exercises, which provide students with drafting exercises taken directly from the documents at issue in the case, and over 40 detailed “Putting it To Work” problems, which give students a chance to synthesize the doctrines.