Bundle: Cases and Materials on Torts, Twelfth Edition with PracticePerfect Torts
This bundle contains:
Cases and Materials on Torts, Twelfth Edition [Connected eBook with Study Center]
Richard Epstein, Catherine Sharkey
ISBN: 9781543804454
Joseph W. Glannon, Patrick Shin, Julie Steiner
ISBN: 9781543838305
Cases and Materials on Torts, Twelfth Edition preserves historical and conceptual continuity between the present and the past, while addressing the most significant contemporary controversies in such fast-moving areas like public nuisance, global warming, and product liability, with new litigation against internet providers. Toward these dual ends, Richard A. Epstein and Catherine M. Sharkey have retained in the Twelfth Edition the great older cases, both English and American, that have proved themselves time and again in the classroom, and which continue to exert great influence on the modern law. Our book also provides a rich exploration of the dominant corrective justice and law-and-economics approaches to tort law, as exemplified both in the retained and new cases and materials.
PracticePerfect [Torts]
PracticePerfect is a visually engaging, interactive study aid designed to help students review core course topics and test their ability to recall and correctly apply the law. PracticePerfect contains a library of animated videos that explain course topics through hypothetical situations, quizzes to test knowledge and understanding, and progress trackers so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses in the course. Designed to work with all major casebooks, PracticePerfect is the ideal study companion for today's law students.