International Law [Connected eBook with Study Center] (Aspen Casebook)
International Law, Eighth Edition, by the deeply experienced authorship team of Allen S. Weiner, Duncan B. Hollis, and Chimène I. Keitner, provides students with a foundational understanding of international law for those required to confront legal problems across borders, including treaties, customary international law, jurisdiction, and the UN system.International Law, Eighth Edition, by the deeply experienced authorship team of Allen S. Weiner, Duncan B. Hollis, and Chimène I. Keitner, provides students with a foundational understanding of international law for those required to confront legal problems across borders, including treaties, customary international law, jurisdiction, and the UN system.
International Law, Eighth Edition, offers a comprehensive treatment of contemporary international law, including key recent developments in the field, and provides comprehensive coverage of foundational international law questions faced by practitioners, including the nature and sources of international law, the subjects of international law (states and international organizations), and the jurisdictional powers and immunities of states. Authored by international law professors and leading scholars in the field who also have significant practical experience, the book also addresses key doctrinal topics, with reference to important contemporary foreign policy issues, including (i) international human rights, (ii) the law of the sea, (iii) international environmental law, (iv) the use of force and the law of armed conflict, and (v) international criminal law.
New to the Eighth Edition:
- Detailed treatment of the legal issues arising from Russia's invasion of Ukraine
- Vignettes highlighting the operation of international law in other contemporary crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar
- Deeper comparative treatment of international law principles of jurisdiction and immunity
- Coverage of major recent international cases including the ICJ's Advisory Opinion on self-determination (the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965) and the Dutch Supreme Court case on the international human right to a healthy environment (Netherlands v. Urgenda)
- Discussion of international law principles governing election interference and other harmful cyber operations
- Increased diversity of authors and perspectives
Professors and students will benefit from:
- Comprehensive and rigorous treatment of a full range of the most important international issues, crafted in a manner than lends itself to easy customization and adaptable classroom use
- Thoroughly updated text that includes discussion of important recent legal developments, including important actions by international organizations and decisions by international courts and tribunals along with expert scholarly analysis
- Presentation of diverse scholarly perspectives of the history and functioning of international law
- Accessible prose for students new to the topic, along with nuanced analysis for more in-depth discussions