Problems and Cases on Secured Transactions: [Connected eBook with Study Center] (Aspen Casebook Series)
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Using a problem-based approach, Brook & Rowley's Problems and Cases on Secured Transactions 4th Edition engages students with imaginative scenarios while providing an accessible and manageable approach to personal property secured transactions, without avoiding the intricacies of UCC Article 9 or de-emphasizing its interplay with other UCC articles, selected state non-UCC law, or federal bankruptcy law. Designed for a standalone Secured Transactions course, but adaptable to other configurations, the book presents UCC Article 9 as completely comprehensible, even enjoyable, rather than as arcana that only an insider can be expected to understand. Cases have been thoughtfully selected and edited, and the authors' textual discussion helps connect the cases to the problems and explores the materials' practical (and practice-oriented) relevance. A good mix of shorter and longer problems gives each chapter a focused flow while frequently recurring characters and basic fact patterns help to reinforce how the lessons of each chapter build onto the more comprehensive whole mapped out in prior and upcoming chapters. Earlier problems lean more heavily, though not exclusively, on the individual and consumer-borrower situations. As the lessons advance, the mix of materials progressively includes more small-business and large-business transactions.
New to the Fourth Edition: New co-author Keith A. Rowley brings a quarter century of experience teaching Secured Transactions, augmented by insights gained over nearly two decades of active involvement in the ABA Business Law Section and during his tenures as a Uniform Law Commissioner and as an elected member of the American Law Institute, in which capacity he actively consulted on the 2010 Amendments to UCC Article 9 and made several contributions to the 2022 UCC Amendments, which span the entire Code. New cases that replace statutorily obsolete or judicially superseded ones included in the prior edition or that augment cases carried over from the prior edition. Extensively edited and judiciously augmented textual materials. Extensively edited and judiciously augmented chapter problems. Corrected, replaced, and supplemented end-of-part multiple-choice review questions. Brief discussion of the 2022 UCC Amendments (which have only been adopted in a handful of states), as they relate to pre-amendment UCC Article 9.
Professors and students will benefit from: Simple, straightforward organization of chapters and of material within each chapter that makes it easy to tailor assignments according to differing class credits and to the individual instructor's coverage preferences. Textual introductions, direction to particular statutory sections and comments, and thoughtfully edited cases designed to focus student attention on the issues at hand. Interesting and engaging problems that encourage the students to prepare answers before class discussion, allowing the student to continually monitor their understanding of the topic being covered.