General Principles of Criminal Law: Islamic and Western
This book compares the general principles of Western criminal law with those of Islamic law. Experience indicates that some people are irritated, or find it difficult to concentrate, when the text stands completely merged during comparison of two legal systems. This book, therefore, adopts a different methodology. Under each main heading in a chapter, it presents the Western point of view first. Once this has been explained, the Islamic point of view on the same issue is stated whenever it is felt necessary or is available. This method will not only assist the reader in understanding better the two points of view, but will also help those who wish to skip either point of view. On certain occasions a complete merger is unavoidable.It should be noted that this is a preliminary book and it will not be possible to state the position of Islamic law on each point or in such detail that may be expected. This does not mean that there are no views from the perspective of Islamic law on the issue; it means that a fuller comparison can only be undertaken in a more comprehensive study.