I'm a Changeling See Me Change: The Eddie Fisher Story
Introduction I was born in the fifties and Life Began idyllic. I was young and happy my parents were kind and loving. I was raised in a Christian school and have no regrets about that it was a good way to live. But as I got older I began to rebel against everything and everyone who ever tried to tell me what to do and my path begins to change to one of danger, excitement, sometimes fun and sometimes very injurious to myself and to those around me. As you read in this book, you will see details of what happened during this period of time. Completely destroyed my life and alienated everyone around me. I was moving from city-to-city, lover to lover, bar to bar, job to job.About the author I was blessed with good schooling and became a certified court reporter at the age of 21 and worked hard all my life. Also helping to develop real-time closed captioning equipment for the hearing impaired and working on the many high-profile jobs.During this period of time my drinking took me to places that took away any promise of a good life or a marriage or children which I have never had to this day.Thankfully, on April 10th 1997 a new chapter in my life begin a journey which changed my life 100% where I began to live with some Integrity, clean and sober and respectful. I was able to build a new life with the help of so many others for whom I will be grateful for as long as I live.I was able to heal with my parents and sister. My gratitude extends to friends all over the globe.If reading this book helps one person it has been worthwhile to publish it.I hope the details revealed in this book are not too distasteful and that you enjoy the read of the good, the bad, the ugly and the miraculous.Blessings and peace to all