Undivided Marriage: When TWO People Become ONE Flesh
Do you desire more unity in your marriage? Undivided Marriage is a devotional that addresses ten specific areas of your marriage where you and your spouse can live as one. Backed by scripture, these ten lessons are broken down into four sections: The Proposal, The Example, One-On-One, and Date Night. In "The Proposal" section you and your spouse will discover God's proposal to live as one in each area of your marriage. In "The Example" you will discover God's wisdom and the tools He gives you to succeed in your marriage. The "One-On-One" section gives you a chance to discuss and answer questions to revitalize and bring clarity to your relationship. Finally, "Date Night" provides you and your spouse an action plan to implement the lesson while experiencing an often fun and exciting night out. Although a suggested schedule is provided, Undivided Marriage is structured so that each couple can determine their own pace to work through each lesson as their schedules permit. This devotional is truly unique in addressing "oneness" in your marriage and eliminating areas where you may be experiencing "artificial intimacy" when what you really desire is honest, deep connection. The mission of Undivided Marriage is simple: To inspire two people to live as one.