Armorbearer Training Series: 52 Raising Giant Slayers Devotionals: 52 Day Journey of Building Christ Like Character Designed To Inspire And Refresh ... And Servant Leaders In The Local Church
Varn and Earma Brown's [i]Raising Giant Slayers Devotional: 52 day journey of building Christ-like character[/i]is designed to reinforce the spiritual precepts presented in the [i]Armorbearer Training Series[/i]of books. There are a couple of pages each for a forty day journey with a devotional reading and a space for your thoughts and reflections. Its interactive format invites you to continue tracing your journey toward a closer relationship with God and your leaders, team mates or volunteers. The readings are filled with truths from the Brown's [i]Raising Giant Slayers[/i]blog, columns and book ministry. The book was written with character, passion and practical insight.Developing charater that carries the God-given anointing and gifts requires discipline and commitment—a real call from God. The [i]Raising Giant Slayers[/i]devotional book is a unique and valuable tool for training your leaders and support teams, as well as, refreshing and reviving your spiritual service to God.