The Traveler
"The Traveler" is the sixth poetry collection released by Oklahoma poet Ed Roberts. His poems are written in free verse ignoring traditional rules such as regular meter, rhyme, and alliteration. He writes on social topics and current events and often many of his poems are shared with people in several countries and translated into different languages. As with his previous poetry collections, Ed shares comments that have been left in the Feedback Section of his poetry site, after a special poem written for each book. He has stated "These tell a story far greater than anything I could ever write."Unlike Ed's previous poetry collections in "The Traveler" he has also chosen to share several articles he wrote for The Student Operated Press web site, titled "The Story Behind the Poem." With the poems themselves he shares a brief story giving the events that lead up to each poem being created.Also in "The Traveler" Ed has chosen to include a short comedy skit and a full-length stage play he wrote stating that in the title of the book it does state "Poetry and More." This does give the reader an insight to Ed Roberts they have not seen before.