Health Through Will Power
The preventative and curative power of the will upon disease.
This volume is meant to help in the restoration of the will to its place as the supreme faculty of life. The author shows its preventative and curative power upon such universal ailments as coughs and colds, intestinal disorders, rheumatism, mental disturbances, etc., and the value of its application to the bad habits of self-pity, irregular and insufficient exercise, yielding to pain and sentimental sympathy. The book is not technical, but clearly and concisely expressed for the benefit of the layman unversed in scientific, medical or psychological matters.
"The object of the book is to show through argumentation and numerous examples how large a part the will plays in physical well being and longevity and how through it, unknown funds of energy and vitality can continually be drawn from. Dreads, habits, sympathy and self-pity are cited as foes of the will and health. The reader is told how to use and how not to use the will and the part it plays in such ailments as tuberculosis, pneumonia, coughs and colds, neurotic asthma, disturbances in the intestinal functions and the heart, in chronic rheumatism, psycho-neurosis and feminine ills." -Book Review Digest
"Dr. Walsh has written a most useful and entertaining book. His main thesis is that men permit their wills to become atrophied through lack of use. Dreads, fads, fancies, habits, indolence so inhibit the will, that it is practically inoperative. And this deplorable condition of will-degeneracy acts most potently and disastrously on all the organs. He asserts that will has far more efficacy than medicine; that patent medicines as therapeutics are utterly valueless, but derive a subjective efficacy from the will and imagination of the patient. He maintains also that the 'smattering of physiology and hygiene taught in schools has done more harm than good, by directing the pupils' attention too much to the lapses and defects of their organism....Dr. Walsh proves convincingly that a wise self-denial, a conscientious discharge of duty, and above all the crushing out of a morbid sense of self-pity, conduce to excellent health, personal happiness and in numerous cases to remarkable longevity. This book deserves nothing but praise. Every page embodies with the latest conclusions of medical science, what is noble, pure and of good repute." -Catholic World
"The American public sorely needs the gospel of health that Dr. James J. Walsh preaches to it in his recent book, 'Health Through Will Power.'" -The Boston Pilot
"I do not wonder that your splendid book 'Health Through Will Power' has met with such great success. I know that I could hardly leave the book out of my hands, it was so interesting and instructive." -Archbishop Patrick J. Hayes, of New York
"Packed with medical wisdom translated into the vernacular of common sense." -The Ave Maria
"This book should find a place in every home, as it will help to bring us back to a more natural manner of living." -The Rosary Magazine
I The Will in Life
II Dreads
III Habits
IV Sympathy
V Self-Pity
VI Avoidance of Conscious Use of the Will
VII What the Will Can Do
VIII Pain and the Will
IX The Will and Air and Exercise
X The Will to Eat
XI The Place of the Will in Tuberculosis
XII The Will in Pneumonia
XIII Coughs and Colds
XIV Neurotic Asthma and the Will
XV The Will in Intestinal Function
XVI The Will and the Heart
XVII The Will in So-Called Chronic Rheumatism
XVII Psycho-Neuroses
XIX Feminine Ills and the Will