The Miracle Man: The Life Story Of Joao De Deus
A man dies in hospital from cardiac arrest. After thirty minutes of clinical death, a phone call to Joao de Deus (John of God), hundreds of miles away in central Brazil, raises the man from death, completely healed, verified by his doctors. Is Joao a modern Christ? Read this riveting account of the greatest healer of our time. When people, totally paralyzed, rise from their wheelchairs and the profoundly blind have their eyesight restored, when modern medicine has given up on them, one feels deeply stirred to ask some fundamental questions. Joao de Deus puts our reality at risk, defying the certainties of medical science, forcing us to replace it with one of hope and joy. The story of Joao de Deus shakes the bedrock of common beliefs, kindling an ancient memory that ring only too true; that with love all things are possible.