Torts: Cases and Problems
The fourth edition continues the tradition of the earlier editions by presenting tort law in a student-oriented way. The casebook has been streamlined to correspond more closely with the needs of a typical one-semester first-year course, while at the same time offering in-depth exposure to more complex and rapidly developing areas of tort law, such as causation, products liability, defamation, and privacy. In addition to leading cases that have heavily influenced tort law, the casebook also includes cases that illustrate important concepts through interesting and memorable facts. The text includes problems designed to reinforce basic concepts and promote class discussion, while notes have been kept to a minimum. Several new decisions have been added for this edition, especially in areas where the law is undergoing significant change. This book is the three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book (binder not included).