Copyright Law: Protection of Original Expression
Product Description
This practical casebook explores the complex issues regarding protection of creativity under U.S. copyright law while always clarifying how doctrinal elements relate to the whole. The book is perfect for students who have struggled with dense notes and opaque explanations, professors who have labored through cumbersome texts, or for new teachers who need a clear teaching template with both substantive doctrine and highly instructive and engaging cases.\nThe fourth edition of
Copyright Law: Protection of Original Expression has been substantially restructured to help students understand the numerous additions reflecting updated case law and recent legislation. Also, the teacher s manual has been significantly enhanced as a helpful guide to engaging students with the material and defines clear learning objectives for each section.\nThe updated materials include: (1) a revised section on useful articles in light of Star Athletica, (2) a complete revision to the materials on infringement analysis, including coverage of Skidmore, (3) a new section on the copyrightability of law in the wake of
Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org, (4) an expanded section on architecture, (5) new materials covering sound recordings in light of the Music Modernization Act, (6) new material on the first sale doctrine as applied to electronic copies, (7) an expanded section on performers rights, incorporating Garcia, (8) a more thorough treatment of moral rights; (9) expanded coverage of the work made for hire doctrine; (10) revised coverage of registration in light of Fourth Estate, (11) an updated treatment of de minimis copying; (12) updates to several fair use cases; (13) updated international materials; (14) a revised sovereign immunity section in light of
Allen v. Cooper, (15) a newly arranged and easily understood collection of cases on preemption, including droit de suite; (16) a new section on time bars, including Petrella, (17) an in-depth discussion of notice and takedown, including
Lenz, (18) new materials on statutory damages, which include constitutional challenges; and (19) new material on attorney fees in light of
About the Author
Ryan Vacca is a Professor of Law at the University of New Hampshire School of Law.\nThe late Sheldon Halpern was the Honorable Harold R. Tyler Jr. Chair in Law and Technology at Albany Law School and a Professor Emeritus of Law at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.