The Crucible for John Francis Taylor: End Time Heroes Living First Century Faith

The Crucible for John Francis Taylor: End Time Heroes Living First Century Faith image




Released: Mar 02, 2016
Format: Paperback, 312 pages
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In Volume Three, "The Crucible," the saga of John Taylor’s life story continues with gripping suspense and poignant accounts of heartbreak and betrayal. In the previous chronical, "The Keys," John enjoyed the influence of strong godly mentors, who are now removed. Left without their timely counsel, will John survive the crucible, the Refiner’s fire that tests and tries his faith? Will he lean on God, trusting Him in his battles, or will he trust in his own strength?John returns home from his thirteen-month sea voyage a changed man, no longer a polished aristocrat. He has been transformed into a roughhewn seafarer, matured in every way. His faith is rock-solid as he reengages his life as a Londoner. While aboard the ship, John preached the weekly sermons and he passionately desires to continue his calling to minister the Gospel message. He is given the opportunity to preach in a small church outside London, where he makes a dramatic impact on the parishioners. Weeks later, he meets a traveling preacher who inspires him to take the liberating power of the Good News to the countryside commoner.Upon his return from the sea, John continues his engagement with Mary Van Zandt and they soon marry. He chooses to heed a scriptural precedent found in Deuteronomy, describing how a newly married man should spend his first year of marriage unfettered from responsibilities to “bring happiness to his wife.” His decision yields enormous rewards for his marriage, providentially compressing years of marital bliss into a single year.

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