Chibaya Moyo 2: The Rhodesian African Rifles: An Anthology of Anecdotes
Chibaya Moyo, 'Strike to the Heart' in chiShona, is an anthology of stories and anecdotes from those who served with the Masodja, the all-volunteer black soldiers of the Rhodesian African Rifles, a proud regiment that fought with distinction in two world wars, the Malayan Emergency and the Rhodesian bush war. Chibaya Moyo brings together so many voices with tales of such contrasting topics that it is, by its unique nature, fascinating, tragic, humourous, intense, inspirational and filled with pathos; above all, it is honest. It is the story of a brotherhood that transcended race and tribe, and it is a lasting memory of, and testament to, a proud and distinguished regiment, its soldiers and their actions. To have served with this regiment was an honour and a privilege.