Making the Sabbath a Delight
Imagine the blessings awaiting us as individuals, families, communities, and the Church as we open our eyes to the true grandeur of the Sabbath of our Lord. As we enrich our Sabbath worship and devotion, we fully embrace the joyous gift and opportunity of a day to focus on being as much like God as possible. As Latter-day Saints, we dedicate one day a week to the Lord. The question is, how are we spending that sacred time? If observance of the Lord’s day feels more like an obligation than a celebration, rediscover the true spirit of the Sabbath in Making the Sabbath a Delight. This inspiring volume invites readers to explore the biblical context and symbolism of Sabbath worship as well as its modern application in today’s fast-paced world. The refreshing study of principles and patterns for Sabbath observance will inspire faithful followers of the Lord to more fully delight in Sabbath worship and more joyfully celebrate His day.