Conscious Dreaming: Talking to the Fairies
What can be said about a world that most humans think is a fantasy world? A place that at least half the world's population has heard of, read about or seen movies about but has never experienced it in person. The fairy world is a world people have believed in for thousands of years without any proof it really exists. This is the world of little human-like beings that have wings and appear to have special powers. It's a world that no one can prove exists, yet millions of people believe in this world and in these beings. I have always believed in this world, however to experience it first hand was the greatest gift these little beings could have ever given me. To go to their home and listen to the "Storyteller" tell me how this Universe, the animals, plants and humans got here and why, was incredible. To experience their ageless wisdom and hear the stories of the past and the hope for the future changed my life. At first it seemed to be a dream but when I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't dreaming. I was conscious of everything that was going on around me and realized I was being blessed with the friendship of a species that humans rarely get to hear or see. This is my story and the story of the spiritual wisdom these creatures have carried with them since the beginning of time. This is the story of the knowledge they shared with me and asked me to share with the world.