How To Start A Bus Ministry
Learn how to start and maintain an effective bus ministry! Topics included are: strategies, planning, preparation, marketing, safety, discipline, tips, troubleshooting, and forms. This is a must-read book if you are interested in starting a bus ministry or outreach program at your church. The author, Charlie Collins, and his family have been involved in bus ministry since 2008. During this time, they helped to start bus ministries at multiple churches. In 2015, they founded Roll To Church. Roll To Church is a non-profit ministry designed to help churches start bus ministries in order to reach their communities for Christ. Over the years, they have had many successes and failures, learning from each one along the way. Bus ministry sounds like a simple concept. However, without the proper training and preparation, long-lasting damage could be done to the church and the community's perception of the church. The Collins family sincerely hopes that this book will be a valuable and informative resource to those desiring to start a bus ministry.