Why We Act Like That
* Why is it that blacks don’t trust each other? * Why don’t blacks patronize other black businesses? * Why do blacks use the N-Word? * What is the issue with black fathers? * Is the Curse of Noah true regarding blacks? Using the Bible and a spiritual understanding of how spirits and strongholds are passed down through generations, Pastor Scott traces the root cause of these questions and many other questions to the spirit of slavery. Pastor Scott parallels how that it’s the same spirit of slavery that kept the Israelites out of the promised land is the same spirit of slavery that is keeping many African Americans out of God’s unified blessings for us today. He shows us that even though God has brought us out of slavery, it’s the spirit of slavery that is still in us, influencing many of the issues that we deal with to this very day. Through an understanding of what has happened in the past, learning how to apply God’s Word, spiritual principles, and other practical applications, Pastor Scott shows us how we can begin to break these strongholds and become set free from this modern day mindset of slavery.