A World Without Fear: Release Your Fears & Reclaim Your Joy!
You Can Be Free! Fear is the main impediment to our realizing our most wonderful relationships and greatest dreams. Fear can be incapacitating and paralyzing at times or can merely subtly diminish the quality of our best intentions and efforts. This influence of fear can occur without our even realizing it has happened. We all have the option to change our situations for the better at every moment. We all have the power to fundamentally transform our lives and remove the effects of fear and free ourselves from the limitations it imposes. Whether we have lived with fear for a day or a lifetime our fear can be released and left behind forever. You have the power to create for yourself a constant state of inner peace, free from fear. Freedom from fear, like everything in life, is a choice. The choice to be free from fear equals the choice to be free to choose to build the life that you truly want to live. I hope you make that choice today. This book was written to help you achieve that goal.