Teas V Practice Tests 2015-2016: 3 Teas Practice Tests for the Test of Essential Academic Skills Version 5 Exam
TEAS V Practice Tests 2015-2016: 3 TEAS Practice Tests for the Test of Essential Academic Skills Version 5 Exam Students preparing for their all-important TEAS exam will find intensive test-taking practice for the TEAS in this brand-new book. Three full-length practice exams Exams are similar in length, structure, question type, and degree of difficulty to the actual TEAS All test questions answered and explained The best way to prepare for your TEAS exam is to "Practice, Practice, Practice." In order to do that you need practice tests that match up to the real TEAS test. Other practice tests often only have 150 questions, because that is how many questions are scored on the TEAS exam. However, when you actually take the TEAS exam, you will face a test that includes 170 questions. The other 20 questions are not scored. Each of our three practice tests include a full 170 questions to give you a closer representation of the real exam.