Understanding Sex Offenses
Understanding Sex Offenses is designed to help students better comprehend the complex dynamics of sexual crimes. It posits that by learning more about sex crimes and those who commit them, we are better equipped to prevent such crimes and provide education and support to those affected by them.
The text recognizes that a general understanding of human sexuality is imperative for understanding sex offenses. It explores the continuum of "normal" sexual behavior, deviant sexual behavior, and criminal sexual behavior. The book presents criminological theories that have been applied to sexual crime, as well as those theories developed specifically to understand sexual offenses. It considers the wide range of individuals who commit sex crimes and the reviews the typologies that have been used to identify them. Readers learn about the ways in which technology and media have transformed sex crimes and the online and offline offenses that are committed. The text critically examines the policies that have been developed to prevent these crimes and discusses contemporary forms of risk assessment and treatment.
With the goal of supporting prevention and education efforts until there are no more victims, Understanding Sex Offenses is an essential resource for courses and programs in criminology, criminal justice, and victimology.