Retracing Your Emotional Route: From Food to Freedom
Most of us have been going to counterfeits such as food or other compulsive behaviors in an attempt to fill the void in our lives for a very long time. Change will not be easy, but it is possible. e. Retracing your emotional history with food and mapping the connection between food and emotions will help you take the next right step toward real and lasting freedom... This workbook is designed to guide you through the steps that can be taken to retrace your emotional history with food. Mapping the connection between emotions and food will bring understanding and a sense of freedom from past failures and present problems. This workbook will guide you through this vital journey from past to present. This workbook contains some powerful testimonies that will encourage and inspire you to take the next right step toward your own emotional healing where you will build your own strategy for being successful at real and lasting "Life Change". It really is time to: Change Your Mind ~ Change Your Body ~ Change Your Life ~