Mission Furniture: How to Make It & The 40 Styles of Chairs (Nuovi graffiti)
Henry Haven Windsor published this precious book on creating furniture in 1909 in the collection Handbooks. Nowadays reading this simple manual allows creating the most beautiful chairs, tables, book racks etc. of the beginnings of the 19th century, avoiding ordinary do-it-yourself books. This edition contains several accurate instructions for creating 33 different types of furniture, moreover, this publication contains more than 70 illustrations and detailed schemes. Eventually, in the last part of this book, there’s a brief chart listing 40 distinct styles of chairs from Egyptians to the Contemporary period, with descriptions and illustrations. This interactive digital edition includes Interactive Notes and Chapters, News about the Author, News about the Book, a very interesting Tag cloud of the Book and a link to connect to the Goodreads community to ask questions and share comments and opinions.