The Way of the Cross: Comprising a Luminous Discussion of Both the Law and the Gospel
Ever since through sin Adam and Eve departed from Eden, sinful men and women have sought a way back to God. It is a quest perennially upspringing in the human heart. In every land, no matter what the kind or quality of worship, there is in human hearts an aching void that hungers for God. In pagan lands this quest for God is expressed in idol worship, and through varying methods, in varying degrees, wandering, sinning men and women sense a constant need for something outside of themselves, and that ultimate Something is God.In this book, "The Way of the Cross," B. H. Carroll, who, in my opinion, was the greatest preacher who has walked the world since Paul, points the way for us. A glance at the Table of Contents will disclose the topics he discusses. It was ever true of him that when he had finished a discussion of any question, there was naught left for any other man to say.There has been only one plan of salvation. There is only one plan now. All of the ceremonials of ancient Israel pointed to Christ. From the prophecy voiced by our Father above to the first sinning pair, "The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head," on through the entire canon of Scripture, there coursed the crimson thread denoting the blood of our Redeemer. Old Testament saints looked forward to the coming Messiah, who was to be a suffering Savior. Christians contemporaneous with Jesus himself, while only vaguely realizing the lofty meaning of His life and death, yet understood quite enough of the plan of salvation to find Jesus precious to their souls in the forgiveness of their sins.In this, the thirty-first volume of Carroll's works I have been privileged to publish or cause to be published, the great preacher points the way for sinful men. The way to salvation is the way of the cross. It has ever been so. It still is so. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."I take pleasure in making due acknowledgment for help in my work on these Carroll books of Professor J. W. Crowder, A.B., D.D., of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His kind hand compiled the present volume, and his devotion to B. H. Carroll, and his intimate understanding of his messages are both comforting and heartening.And now this volume is sent forth into our dark world to aid in saving men and women from their sins. As this foreword is concluded, my heart is uplifted to God in prayer that through the long after years this book may still be performing the mission whereunto it is sent - the mission of revealing to eyes blinded by sin the way of the cross - the only way through which lost souls may find rest and peace.J. B. Cranfill