Leaving Your Leadership Legacy: Creating a Timeless and Enduring Culture of Clarity, Connectivity, and Consistency
The authors of this book explain the differences between managing by the 3-Ps (Proximity, Position, and Persuasion) and the 3-Cs (Clarity, Consistency, and Connectivity). Leaders who employ the 3-Ps manage with a focus on the individual. Leaders who use the 3-Cs, however, manage by weaving personal leadership techniques with a process of managing the business or organization that has proven extremely effective during the decade since it was introduced. It’s a way to lead a company or organization that leaves a legacy of sustained growth and success for those who come after the leader to latch onto and continue. The book is written as a business novel. What is learned on the protagonist’s journey is expanded upon in a lesson at the conclusion of each chapter. Readers are then invited to assess their own legacy potential by completing a self-assessment. The management process this book contains is now being employed successfully not only by small and medium size businesses, but also by Fortune 500 companies, successful municipalities, and the United States Army.