The Complete (but Unofficial) Guide to the Willem C Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot
The fact that you are reading this cover text means that you are participating in the Vis Moot or are contemplating doing so. If you are participating, this book will provide you with step-by-step, practical advice on ways to maximise the Vis Moot experience. It explains registration and offers tips on finding and organising your team, analysing the case, writing your memoranda, presenting your case in the oral pleading, organising your trip to Vienna or Hong Kong, and last but not least, how to enjoy yourself in the process. If you are still contemplating participating in the so-called "Moot Experience," this book aims to tell you that becoming a "Mootie" is well worth the challenge. Though it may sound melodramatic, we, the authors of this guide, know from personal experience, that participating in the Vis Moot is a once in a lifetime experience.