The Shadow of Calvary: The arrest and trial of Jesus in light of the fulfillment of the Scriptures.
“We recommend the ‘Shadow of Calvary’ to our readers, as an excellent book for Sabbath reading, and we trust it will have a large circulation. It abounds in close heart-searching appeals to the unbelieving and impenitent, and with rich consolations for the humble child of God.” -Original Secession Magazine
“It will be seen that Dr. Martin holds very definite theological views, and that he is neither ashamed nor afraid to proclaim them….These lectures, abounding in powerful appeals and stern warmings, are not deficient in tenderness and reverence.” -Scotsman
The Shadow of Calvary is a classic of Christian literature in which Hugh Martin leads us through the garden of Gethsemane to the arrest and the trial of Jesus. Martin interprets these events in the light of the fulfillment of the Scriptures.
Chance is that you do not entirely understand what Calvary meant to Jesus. Here Martin leads us through the biblical account of Calvary taking you through every step of the Shadow of Calvary. Most modern preaching and writing simply scraps the surface of God's Word, Martin reaches the heart of the sacrifice and love shown on the cross.