BUNDLE: Goldberg: What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Fiction + Goldberg: What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Nonfiction (Corwin Literacy)
Streamline formative assessment for readers in just minutes a day! This bundle includes one copy each of What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Fiction and What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Nonfiction. This bundle shows you how to move your students forward in their reading with this 4-step process―lean in, listen to students’ talk about books, look at their writing about reading, and then make teaching decisions based on what they′ve conquered and what challenges they need to take on next.
This practical approach shows you how to notice when readers are doing mostly literal, "right there" on the page thinking; when they are doing "over-time" synthesizing across a text; and when they are ready to kick into high gear and connect ideas across texts and real word themes. The authors provide next-step resources for whole-class, small-group, and one-on-one instruction, including more than 30 lessons per book, Reproducible Clipboard Notes pages, online video clips, and more.
With this bundle, discover how to move your readers forward with in-class, actionable formative assessment.