Journey Fitness
If you fear you may be about to hit rock bottom—whether compounded by personal tragedy, inner turmoil, or drug abuse, then fitness entrepreneur Travis Barnes’s latest book, Journey Fitness,will give you the hope and inspiration to never give up.
Barnes not only picked up the pieces of his life with his wife and new daughter, but also set out to build his dream of making a highly successful personal fitness business—all through the help of his spouse and his faith in God.
Journey Fitness tells a tale of how, by dedicating himself to hard, honest work, Barnes was able to find his way back to the road to success, helping other people who want to change their situation, but lack a plan for doing so. You’ll be encouraged and empowered with great advice and strategies for personal improvement, from weight loss to personal fitness.
When you hit bottom, the only way to go is up. All you need is the will and personal faith—and a healthy dose of support from your family.