Violence and Ego: My Story As a Martial Artist violence, Ego, and Self-defense
Most people do not really comprehend the speed at which real violence can occur or how the human ego is the main cause of most violence. Something as fragile as the human ego is the second leading cause to most conflicts on both a personal level as well as a global level--second only to greed. Insecurity is the twin sibling of ego, for they are always with one another. In Violence and Ego, Daniel Arnold will provide anyone who is contemplating whether or not to start a martial art out of a concern for self-defense guide to help understand the importance of avoiding anything that has to do with anyone's ego.
My first book, Violence and Ego, not only details strategies for self-care by addressing more than just physical self-defense but also addresses the bad ego, which gives manipulators the entrance they need to attempt to impose their agenda on you.
You will learn about adrenal stress response and the importance of high repetitious training to prepare for it. You will learn about the mind-set of a predator/bully/manipulator and the victim selection processes they often employ, along with self-defense and avoidance strategies. You will learn about situational awareness and recognizing nonverbal precursors to an attack--along with learning the importance of knowing self-defense laws and articulating your actions before, during, and after you have had to defend yourself.
You will learn to recognize the traits of both good and bad martial arts instructors. This book has been written in a way that is not only informational but also entertaining with harrowing real-life accounts of surviving violence. Dan learned the hard way and is writing Violence and Ego with the hope that you won't have to.
Dan is a former US marine, a retired twenty-four-year veteran of law enforcement and currently lives in Ohio with his wife and two daughters.