A Woman's Place Leader Guide: A Bible Study Exploring Every Woman's Call to Work
When it comes to women and work, there is often an “us-versus-them” mentality, dividing women according to the choices they make. Yet all women have a shared calling to work in a way that glorifies God—whether it be in the office, home, ministry, or beyond.
In this eight-week study built around Katelyn Beaty’s A Woman’s Place book, groups will explore the idea of a woman’s work. The book contains profiles of eight women, considerations of Scripture, and reflections on the meaning of work.
The Leader Guide contains eight session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, group activities, prayers, and leader helps for facilitating a group.
Other components for the study, each available separately, include a Praticipant Guide and a DVD (with closed captioning) featuring eight sessions, each approximately eight minutes long presenting Beaty and guest interviewees.