Censor Bait Comics (Comics from the Gone World)
The COMICS FROM THE GONE WORLD series lurches onward through the fog with a fresh-picked selection of Stale Tales from Somebody Else's Crypt -- retooled for Maximum Absurdity and Ghastardly Humorous Effect. The source is the fabled Jerry Iger Comics Sweatshop of the 1950s: Some of the very pages that brought down the wrath of the censors upon the comic-book racket in the form of the stultifying Comics Code Authority. The Iger Shop, however, might not recognize its own offspring, which now emerge as a Study in Hideous Mirth and Hilarious Menace. Say what? If you have to ask, then you'll never know... Plus: More than 40 of Michael H. Price's painted reconstructions of cover images from the horror comics and beyond, and a chapter devoted to the awkward self-censorship of the Iger Shop stories in a vain attempt to appease the Comics Code.