Day Hikes In Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park: The Best Places to See the Unusual, Find the Unexpected & Experience the Magnificent!
This is the guidebook you need if you want to experience the most Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park has to offer. It includes over 120 photographs, plus three maps. This guidebook is invaluable, both for those short on time, as well as those who can afford a longer visit… it shares the best and most dynamic day hikes in the park, and how to easily access them. Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park is truly one of the planet's most fascinating natural wonders – ranging from the unusual to the otherworldly, from the unexpected to the magnificent. Here you will find lush tropical rainforests. easily accessible lava craters, surreal lavascapes, magnificent seascapes, over 23,000 ancient Hawai’ian petroglyphs, spewing steam vents, and a lava tube with easy access. To be sure - you won’t find anything like this back home - And it’s ALL HERE WAITING JUST FOR YOU!