The Strange and Forgotten Journey of Exploration of Emile Marcel Etienne Peau
"I recently discovered the diary of forgotten explorer Emile Marcel Etienne Peau while visiting a church library in Le Havre, France. I had been researching for a book I was writing on Normandie in the High Middle Ages when I came across this fascinating journal and was captivated. I wondered why this great historical figure was never heard of in modern times and if his discoveries should be put into modern history books.I talked to the local men and women of the area, but very few had heard of him. I only found one local person who heard of him, a very old fisherman. He claimed to be a descendant of Mr. Peau and said that his story is one that is a forgotten part of history. Still, he told me that at one time, this man was celebrated in the area, but for only a short time, as Christopher Columbus soon began his journeys, which overshadowed Mr. Peau.I hope through the publishing of this journal that this amazing man will soon be remembered as an important part of history."