Broken Mirrors, Fractured Minds
In a genre seemingly dominated by vampires, werewolves and other supernatural monsters, this anthology takes us back to look at the darkness within ourselves. The collection tackles themes such as sexual abuse, body dysmorphia and personality disorders. Full of psychological horror, Broken Mirrors, Fractured Minds, delves into the depths of the human psyche.From 21 indie authors and artists, chosen internationally, comes a sumptuous volume of diverse yet connected tales, poems and graphic art. This book is something you will cherish, returning again and again to recapture the wisdom contained within.Beautifully illustrated by Deborah Blount, with poems by Nelson Mongiovi, Stefy Janeva, Jeremy Garnett, Tom Killeen, John Grey and Sonja N. York, and short stories by Carmilla Voiez, Robert Craven, Richard D. Findlay, Jef With One F, Danielle Farman, Fred McGavran, J. T. Lewis, C. Stovall, John Tucker, Jovan Jones, Zoe Adams, Marten Hoyle, Allison Zachary and P.C. Ward.