Simply Put: A Study In Economics Student Book
This book was written to be an alternative to high school economic textbooks (particularly for homeschoolers). Warning, it is clearly written by a fiscal conservative! This student book includes an optional mid-term exam and final. (The answers and two optional classroom activities are available in the Teachers' Key.) Economics is the study of the choices we make with scare resources. My favorite economics book is Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell. In his book, Sowell asks the very important question, "Do we live in an 'Era of Scarcity' or an 'Era of Abundance'?" While here in the United States we live in an area that has more abundance than most of the rest of the world, and an era that has more abundance than any before us, we still live with "scarcities". There is not enough of anything to please everyone. Choices must always be made as to how to use the resources available. If we all live with scarcity, then does that equal shortage? No, shortages are caused when the free market is tampered with, generally by the government. This economics textbook will help you and your students gain a better understanding of this and other "Austrian" ideas!