Stolen Legacy: The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy
"Stolen Legacy," by Dr. George G. M. James, is a controversial work first published in 1954. To the consternation of some, James dared to assert that the Greeks were not the authors of Greek philosophy, and that so-called Greek philosophy was in fact based upon the primary ideas and concepts borrowed-without acknowledgement-from the ancient Egyptians. Written during Dr. James tenure at the University of Arkansas, "Stolen Legacy" raises more thought-provoking questions and uncomfortable questions than it answers. Though many may disagree with James' findings, his book confirms the words of Solomon, "there is nothing new under the sun." Truth and wisdom has been in existence since time began. Greek culture learned much from the Egyptians. Alexander the Great and the Ptolemy dynasty were Greek, but they did not disturb the religion or the customs of the Egyptians, and indeed built magnificent new temples for the Egyptian gods. Ptolemy I, perhaps with advice from Demetrius of Phalerum, founded the Museum and Library of Alexandria, a key academic, literary, and scientific center which drew the top Greek scholars. In "Stolen Legacy," James shows how famous Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were heavily influenced by Egyptian culture, and how many of their teachings were what they had learned from the Egyptians.