Keeping Your Wife Your Best Friend: A Practical Guide for Husbands
If trying to understand your wife or girlfriend is sometimes confusing to you, my book will help you. Humor and truth will accompany you as you read. This book explains the difference between sex and intimacy from a woman's perspective and there is a difference! Keeping Your Wife Your Best Friend, also helps you to effectively turn conflict with your wife into a win/win for both of you. If you struggle with pornography, this book has helped many men overcome their addiction. As a former addict myself, I know. Time-tested principles for successfully dealing with money, managing your marriage and career-including traveling for your business, handling changes in your spouse and cherishing your wedding vows are given to help men in all of these areas. And Summary Points-questions at the conclusion of each chapter, a personal inventory is given to help you evaluate yourself and your marriage. Happy reading and if you like, please tell your friends about it.