The Prodigal Slave: A Study of the Letter to Philemon (Cobb's Commentaries)
The letter to Philemon contains much more than most people give it credit for.* An old-time gospel preacher, in prison because the other religious folks didn't like what he was preaching.* A runaway slave who wanted never to be found--but who later understood that he needed to humbly return to his master.* A slave-owner who is described in glowing terms by Paul--and therefore by God Himself!The Prodigal Slave is a 130-page commentary with the following features:* A thorough introduction, including sections on (1) Slavery in the Roman Empire, (2) The Condition of Paul, (3) Who is Philemon? (4) Who is Onesimus? (5) Other Interesting Notes.* Extensive, yet easy-to-understand notes on each verse, including personal applications.* Three bonus sections dealing with the questions of (1) Where Did Philemon Live? (2) How did Onesimus Become a Slave? (3) What is the "Letter From Laodicea?* Three full-length sermon outlines from the book of Philemon: (1) What Are You Known For? (2) The ABC's of Conflict Resolution, (3) Intercession in Philemon.Comments from those who have read the book:* "Great stuff!"* "I've only been able to read the intro so far, but it is great!"* "Very informative and helpful."* "Best commentary on Philemon that I've ever seen."* "I can't wait for the next commentary!"This is the first in a series of commentaries on the New Testament by Bradley Cobb. Upcoming commentaries on Jude, II John, and James will be available soon.