Shifting Perception: Exploring Conscious Creation, Shattering Paradigms and Fulfilling Your Higher Purpose
IF THIS BOOK MAKES YOU THINK AND LOOK DEEP WITHIN YOURSELF, THEN IT HAS FULFILLED ITS PURPOSE. You possess a blank canvas on which to paint the life you desire. Every possibility of what your future holds already exists; it is up to you to pull your dreams into your reality. The act of purposely creating your life is simply a matter of shifting your perception of your current reality and your past experiences in order to form a different version of yourself in the future. The knowledge you are seeking exists within the essence of your Being. Shifting Perception was written as a tool to help awaken this knowledge. This book reflects an alternative way to view life, for our perception of it creates our reality. In this physical form we will always experience times of joy and times of challenge. Shifting one's perception of life through the use of Universal truths, as well as spiritual and scientific concepts, helps one's life to flow with greater ease.