A Love That Saves
What word is used more than nearly any other word in the human language but the word "LOVE." Have you ever considered that this is also one of the most misunderstood words by millions who have not come to understand, be filled with and share the love of God? We've heard about God's love, we have listened to numerous messages and exhortations about God's love but perhaps you never considered it in the way that it goes right to the very essence of who we are and what we are actually capable of--what the unsaved are searching for in all the wrong places! This is a small book that cuts deep to the very meaning behind God creating us in His "own image" and how that translates to the love that Jesus commanded us to share. This is a book that will renew and refresh the understanding of the love of God within you so that you are equipped to share it with the unsaved. This is one of Jay's, Paperback Missionary, "Little Books with a Powerful Message" series.