The Phoenix King
"The world has been burning for a long time, Edward. Today is no different, except that now it is affecting you."These words could not explain this story more. An invading horde of undead raids a castle in an unholy brigade. When it becomes common knowledge that the dead are not what they seem, a small band of survivors must discover who is behind this madness, while quelling a violent moral war.The theme of the book is all about choices, and what we decide to do in a given situation. You follow the struggle of Altimis and his companions as they are dragged into a war that promises great change, for better or for worse. The book also touches on what it means to be human, by investigating the definition of what it means to be alive.If you enjoy horror tropes and/or philosophy, then this book is for you. However, not everything is as it seems. Certainly this is a tale of zombies, vampires, werewolves and more, but forget everything you think you know about how these classic monsters work.