Is Stress Your Silent Killer?: How to deal with stress and achieve permanent stress relief
Is Stress YOUR Silent Killer? A dramatic title for a topic that is so often glossed over. Stress is responsible for many of today's diseases and illnesses. Stress compromises your immune system and your body's ability to absorb the nutrients form your food. Most people will have encountered one or more episodes of stress in their lives and in many cases will have dealt adequately with it and suffered no ill effects. But what happens if you have many episodes of protracted stress in your life and your body is unable to cope with the constant rush of adrenalin into the blood stream? Chronic stress such as this can lead to serious health problems if it is allowed to continue. Stress can all too easily become YOUR Silent Killer. This short book can help you to recognize the symptoms and help you identify appropriate strategies for dealing with your stress. Having suffered from chronic stress myself, I am only too aware of the detrimental effect this can have on our health and well-being. In this book I will share my own experience, what it taught me about myself, and how I ultimately dealt with it.