Distant Star
DISTANT STAR , an epic tale of passion in a land of rebellion, is a panoramic novel of the Chinese revolution, and the American journalist who lives and loves through its turbulent years ... a brave and beautiful woman whose life is touched by four very different men. DISTANT STAR takes place in China over a 25 year period, beginning in 1923. China is a far cry from the exotic land Chloe Cavanaugh envisioned, but she is married to the Chicago Times' most famous correspondent, and this squalid, teeming land is her new home. DISTANT STAR tells the story of a strange, forbidden land and the courage of a woman whose enthusiasm and dedication leads her on an unforgettable odyssey. Love brings Chloe to a life and land she could never have imagined at a turbulent time in history. Here she is befriended by people who will change the world, not ever dreaming that this is her destination, too. Like all Bickmore heroines, Chloe begins life as an average girl and faces head on the slings and arrows that life throws at her. Tragedy strikes too often; history envelops her and she is involved in a journey unlike any a woman has faced before. And she meets four totally different men who help to shape her destiny. In DISTANT STAR you will see the forces that have shaped one of today’s most important countries, and you will participate in the forces that shape one of Bickmore’s most compelling heroines.