Fundamentals of Intellectual Property: Cases & Materials
This is approximately the 24th revision of a conventional 472 pp. casebook. Used twice annually since 1999, this edition will be used in 3-semester-hour courses in 2012-13. The book flags common themes and critical distinctions among IP components. The goal is to present the most important and durable aspects of the law for the benefit of potential legal specialists as well as generalists. Pursuit of such objectives is informed by over forty years of study and teaching students at every level of technical and legal sophistication. That current policy debates often center on issues raised in the 1800s and earlier has also been helpful. Indeed, much that is truly fundamental remains remarkably constant. A former student's assessment is reproduced below (with permission). ***** Fundamentals of IP is genius on two levels: (i) it provides an outrageously expansive survey of IP issues with the least number of cases necessary to (actually) buttress the knowledge; and (ii) the book is is busy person friendly - marvelously edited to excise the unimportant. This might be the best textbook that I've ever come across, and certainly the best legal textbook that I've ever seen. I would recommend the book for any business attorney who would like to know enough about IP to issue spot. M. Keith Blankenship General Counsel, Eye Street Group of Companies Leesburg, VA