Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment
Many cancer survivors indicate that while they felt they had lots of information and support during their illness, once treatment stopped, they entered a whole new world-one filled with new questions. Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment, National Institutes of Health Publication 10-2424, covers posttreatment issues such as follow-up medical care, physical and emotional changes, and changes in social and work relationships. This book was written to share common feelings and reactions that many people just like you have had after treatment ended. It also offers some practical tips to help you through this time. Use this book in whatever way works best for you. You can read it from beginning to end. Or you can just refer to the section you need. This book shares what we have learned from other survivors about life after cancer: practical ways of dealing with common problems and guidelines for managing your physical, social, and emotional health. When possible, specific information from research with cancer survivors has been included. While cancer is a major event for all who are diagnosed, it brings with it the chance for growth. As hard as treatment can be, many cancer survivors have indicated that the experience led them to make important changes in their lives. Many say they now take time to appreciate each new day. They also have learned how to take better care of themselves and value how others care for them. Others draw from their experience to become advocates to improve cancer research, treatment, and care. We hope that this book will serve as a resource and inspiration to you as face forward with life after cancer.~