You Have Five Puberties A Three Selves journal on Children (Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series)
Growing new eyes to see children afresh is the goal of this booklet. It builds on the earlier Three Selves volumes or can be read alone. Children are viewed thru lenses seldom used, all from a Waldorf-informed perspective:- Body, posture and stories the body tells, - What animals and plants tell us about children,- How five puberties lead us to independent thinking.Finally, we survey progress made towards a functional typology of children's temperaments in Anthroposophy, MBTI and Katherine Benziger, providing some clarification and direction for fruitful study.What the heck was The Plan for the human psyche?The high self looks down lovingly on us. The conscious self looks calmly at the world, making healthy choices. The basic self looks up lovingly at the conscious and high self.