2012 a New Earth Rising: The Energy Shift of December 21st 2012 and What It Will Mean to Every Being on the Earth
We are approaching December 21st 2012 that the Mayans predicted to be the end of time. Their 56.000-year calendar stops at that date. What does this mean? Will life on the Earth end? Will we all be destroyed? To find an answer to these questions Charmian used hypnosis to guide several people forwards in time to discover the truth of what will really happen. A great change is coming upon the Earth, we are moving out of chaos and conflict into a beautiful new world of love, peace and harmony. 2012 A New Earth Rising tells us how to prepare ourselves and our loved ones to move smoothly into the New World of peace. We have the power as Divine Humans to co-create this shift on The Earth with gentleness and ease. Mother Earth is birthing herself into a new form and we, as humans, are birthing ourselves into our Divinity. We can make the difference between an easy birth and a traumatic one by choosing to move consciously into the New Era of peace and love. 2012 A New Earth Rising is a book of